2. Creating an IP Profile
To create an IP Profile:

2.1 Open the IPs "By Name" view located in the left view pane. (See Figure 1)

2.2 Left click on the "Create IP Profile" button located at the top of the view. (See Figure 2)

Figure Figure 2

2.3 After clicking the "Create IP Profile" button a new IP profile document will appear. The person logged into the software will be designated as the author of the new document and it will include the date of creation. This is done automatically by the software program. (See Figure 3)

2.4 Next is the status field. It is a drop-down list and defaults to "Pending." The "Pending" status indicates the IP is not available for referring out until the appropriate reference checks have been completed. When the IP is determined eligible for referring to consumers by the Registry, the user will change the status to "Available." The "Status Comments" section is for internal use to make brief comments about the IP status that may be seen quickly when opening the IP file. The Provider Update Completed is the date the IP last called the PA to update their information (See Figure 3)

Figure 3

2.5 The IP's personal information will be entered next. The user enters the data in the fields as shown below. (See Figure 4) Note that the city and state boxes are drop down lists. The cities listed in the drop down box are specific to your service area. The "Date of Birth" field must contain a 4 digit year, for example 12/12/1923.
Figure 4

2.6 The "Days and Hours of Availability" section is broken down by time segments, days and hours per week. The time segments are used to match IPs to consumers based on the times available in relation to the times the consumer needs care. The "Select All" checkbox allows the user to select each day in a particular time segment. The "Hours Assigned" box is used to track the number of hours the IP is working in comparison to the number of hours the IP is available to work. This helps to keep the IP in the pool of available workers until the total number of hours are assigned. (See Figure 5)
Figure 5

2.7 The next section indicates the preferences and specific information pertinent to the IP. Some of this data is used as part of the search criteria when looking for potential IPs to refer to consumers. (See Figure 6)

Figure 6

2.8 The next field designates the geographic locations within the county that the IP is willing work. Check every city the IP has indicated he/she will work in. This selection will be used when performing an IP search if "Geographic Preference" is picked as one of the criteria. (See Figure 7)

Figure 7

2.9 The "Type of Work Desired" field designates the type of work and duties the IP is willing to perform. Check each function the IP has agreed to perform. This selection will be used when performing an IP search if "Type of Work" is selected as one of the criteria. (See Figure 8)

Figure 8

2.10 The "Willing to work with" field designates certain types of consumer demographics the IP will work with. Check each segment the IP has agreed to work with. (See Figure 9)
Figure 9

2.11. The ethnicity field is used to capture the IP's ethnicity. This data is not used as part of the IP search criteria and it is not legal to do so. The ethnicity is reported in the monthly IP demographic reports

2.12 This field designates the spoken languages of the IP. Check each language the IP speaks fluently. The primary language must also be selected. This selection will be used when performing an IP search if "Language" preference is picked as a criteria. (See Figure 9)

Figure 9

2.13 The next set of questions are general information relating to the IP. Each field containing brackets [ ] indicate a text field in which the user may type in any text. The "Attachments" field allow the user to attach files such as MS Word or Excel files. This would be used if an IP provides a soft copy of a license or certificate to Registry staff, or if the agency is capable of scanning one of the documents. To attach a file place the cursor in the brackets located in this field. From the file menu choose "File- Attach". Browse through the file system to find the desired file. Click on the file and select "Open." This will attach the file into the field. To open the file, double click on the icon and the file will launch in its native application (Word, Excel, etc).

The "How did you hear about us?" drop-down list is used in the monthly report as part of the outreach assessment tool but only in the month the IP is initially added to the Registry. The user chooses the appropriate selection following the IP interview.

2.14 This field allows the user to selectively choose consumers to not associate with the IP. For example, if in the past the IP and a particular consumer had a problem one or the other could request the IP not be referred to that consumer again. This eliminates the IP from all future searched performed for the particular consumer even if the other criteria is satisfied. To select a consumer to not refer click on the consumer's name to generate a check mark to the left (See Figure 10)

Figure 10

2.15 This section tracks all training the IP has participated in concerning home care. To add a training course left click on the gray "Add Training" button in figure 11. A dialog box will appear (See Figure 11). In the dialog box select the date of the training and the "Training Topic." Next click on the "OK" button in the dialog box. The training data will be transferred to the IP Profile automatically.

Figure 11

2.16 The "References" section tracks all references the IP has had contacted by Registry staff. These references can be prior jobs or relationships the IP was involved with specific to home care work. To add a reference click on the gray "Add Reference" button in figure 12. A dialog box will appear (See Figure 12). In the dialog box select the dates of the relationship, the hours per week worked, company, contact phone number, and the duties the IP performed. Next click on the "OK" button in the dialog box. The reference data will be transferred to the IP Profile automatically.

Figure 12

2.17. This tracks all complaints relating to the IP. Complaint topics are entered into the Keywords view. To add a complaint click on the gray "Add Complaint" button. A dialog box will appear . In the dialog box select the complaint topic and any Notes in relation to the complaint. The complaint data will be transferred to the IP Profile.

2.18 The "Notes" section is used to track any special data relating to the IP. These are dated notes and after the user exits the notes section and saves the new information it is no longer editable. It becomes a permanent record with the date created and the author inserted by the software automatically. To add a note click on the gray "Add Note" button in figure 13. A dialog box will appear (See Figure 13). In the dialog box enter the Note's content. The user may also select any other IP or consumer (as many as you like) to send the note to. If another name is selected, the text on the note will be added to the profile of the selected IP(s) or consumer(s). Next click on the "OK" button in the dialog box.

Figure 13

2.19 The "Edit History" section is used to track who edits a profile and when the edit is made. The data in the "Edit History" is appended any time the profile is saved and is not changeable, it is a permanent record. (See Figure 14)

Figure 14