1. Creating an Consumer Profile
To create an Consumer Profile:

1. Open the Consumers - "By Name" view located in the left view pane. (See Figure 1)

2. Click on the "Create Client Profile" button located at the top of the view. (See Figure 1)

3. Click on the "Create Client Profile button a new profile document will appear. The author's name and creation date will be populated. The status field is a dropdown list and defaults to "Pending". (See Figure 2)

Figure 2

3a. The 10 day follow-up allow user to follow up with consumers on a regular basis. Upon creating a referral letter, the follow-up is automatically initiated and will place the next follow-up date 10 days from the referral letter. The 10 day follow-up views allow users to track follow-ups. Also at daily reminder will pop up when entering Care Tracker and display follow-ups that are due that day

4. The consumer's personal information will be entered next. The user will enter the data in the fields as shown below. Note the city is a drop down list. The cities listed in the drop down list will be the cities located in each specific county maintained in the keywords view. The "Date of Birth" field must contain a 4 digit year. The Social Worker drop down is also maintained in the Keywords view and will automatically populate the phone no when selected.

5. The availability section is segmented by time segments and hours per week. The time segments are used to match IPs to consumers based on the times available in relation to the times the consumer needs care. The "Select All" checkbox allows the user to select each day in a particular time segment. The hours per week is used to track the number of hours the consumer requires care. (Note: It is recommended to use whole numbers (ex. 12) when entering the desired hours to make the tracking of matches smoother)

6. The following section are the IP characteristics that the consumer desire. Multiple languages can be selected. Also IP smoking, gender and live-in preferences are selected. (Note: Fields that are not completed will not be factored into an IP search. It's best to attempt to complete as many fields as possible)

8. This field designates the type of work and duties the consumer desires. Check each function the consumer requests. This selection will be used when performing a consumer search if Type of Work preference is picked as a criteria.

9. The ethnicity field is used to capture the consumer's ethnicity. This data is not used as part of the IP search criteria and it is not legal to do so. The ethnicity is reported in the month consumer demographic reports

10. The next set of question are general questions relating to the consumer.

11. This field allows the user to selectively choose IPs to not associate with the consumer during a search. An example of when this occurs is if in the past there was a negative experience between the IP and a certain consumer. If an IP is selected in this field the IP's name will never be return in the consumer's search results even if the other criteria is satisfied.

12. The Attachments field allows the user to attach file such as MS Word or Excel files. To attach a file place the cursor in the field brackets. From the file menu choose File- Attach. Browse through the file system to find the desired file. Click on the file and select Open. This will attach the file in the field. To Open the file, double click on the icon and the file will launch in its native application (Word, Excel, etc)

13. This tracks all training the consumer has taken in relation to home care. To add a training course click on the gray "Add Training" button in figure X. A dialog box will appear (Figure X). In the dialog box select the date of the training and the Training Topic. Next click on the "OK" button in the dialog box. The training data will be transferred to the consumer Profile.

13. This tracks all complaints relating to the consumer. Complaint topics are entered into the Keywords view. To add a complaint click on the gray "Add Complaint" button. A dialog box will appear . In the dialog box select the complaint topic and any Notes in relation to the complaint. The complaint data will be transferred to the consumer Profile.

14. The Notes section is used to track any special data relating to the consumer. To add a note click on the gray "Add Note" button in figure X. A dialog box will appear. In the dialog box enter the Note's content. You may also select any other IP or Consumer to send the note to. If another name is selected, the text on the note will be added the profile of the selected IP or Consumer. Next click on the "OK" button in the dialog box. The Note data will be transferred to the consumer Profile.

15. The Edit History section is used to track who edits a profile and when the edit is made. The data in the Edit History is appended any time the profile is saved